My journey through what would become known as Single Sign On (SSO) Identity and Access Management (IAM).



* 1979 Begin programming: 1979

* 1979 "Online" through University of Utah connection to ARPANet (later "The Internet") and BBSes

* 1980 Experience with (older) PDP systems

* 1988 Physical Security guard - 1988

* 1993 Property Security Manager - 1993

* 1994 Founding Hawkes' Haven BBS - 1994

* 1994 Begin learning Netware - 1994 - Teltrust

* 1994 Begin learning Linux 1994

* 1995 Learn WANG and McDonnel Douglas Mainframes

* 1995 Begin learning Java (pre-1.0) 1995

* 1996 Begin building custom-build PCs and servers (thousands!) - 1996

* 1996 Begin providing information security services

* 1998 Begin learning Solaris and YP/NIX

* 1998 CNA (Novell) certified administrator

* 1998 MCSE certified

* 1999 Build my first self-built "SSO" in Java as Network Manager for/ ITI

* 1999 - Implement "SSO" for Franklin Covey and partners across 150+ countries

* 2000 - Novel certified instructor: Netware and Novell certified Linux instructor 

* 2002 - Founding Dev 2 Dev Portal centralized identity management and virtual office and workplace