Status Update August 31st, 2023
Phew! Finally! iNSUPPLi 1.2.0 is out the door and live in the app stores, with 1.2.1 rapidly on its heels. Shortly after 1.2.2 starts in early September, I'll be starting the early R&D on the 2.0 Platform, while continuing 1.x releases.
I will no longer be on a daily 20-24 hours per day 7 days a week schedule (as I've been on for the past few months!), and hopefully back to a much more sustainable 12 hours/day work schedule with time to exercise, spend time with family, get motorcycle fixed before the riding season is gone (September/October is the best riding season up here), get back to my music composing and performance and album releases as Synthetic Zen, and other life balancing tasks.
I can try to get back to a more balanced (healthier) schedule between juggling ManufacturingPower/iNSUPPLi (CTO), RPG Research (Executive Director), RPG Therapeutics LLC (CEO), Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC (President) weekly operations, and resuming the far overdue book writing that was supposed to resume in May (and totally impacts the future of both RPG Research (RPGR) and RPG Therapeutics (RPGT), but only now can I finally slot time to do so.
I am now spending today through Saturday trying to catch up on the mostly businesses focused insane backlog of emails (thousands), voicemails (scores), social media direct messages (innumerable), Discord, RPGSN and other chat platforms that piled up over this past crunch cycle.
Then starting this coming Sunday, through the next number of (indeterminate) weeks, I am blocking out Noon to 6:00 pm Sundays through Thursdays exclusively for finally finishing these books:
I will be completely switching off my phones, and all other communication media during this writing window.
Many of these books have been progressing over many years/decades, and some are several years overdue (each ranging between 40% to 90% complete):
* 2 core informational books (collected works of W.A. Hawkes-Robinson and RPG Research)
* 2 Third Edition training books (Study Guide and Workbook),
* 1 Handbook of practice,
* 2 instructional game books.
Once the training books are finalized, I have to update the online Learning Management System (LMS) at so we can have everyone resume their online courses.
I then also have to get all the presentations updated to be in sync with the new book editions of the new third edition certification standards for the Certified Role-playing Game Professional (CRPGP) certification training, workshops, and exams. I am also changing the diplomas and certifications to a more "trades" / "blue collar" appenticeship, journeyman, master/professional model.
Meanwhile I am booked solid with MFGP/iNSUPPLi, RPGR, RPGT, and Dev2Dev, M-F mornings from 6 am to Noon. This means it will still be another month or two at least before I am really able to keep up with communication outside of these core necessities, take on exploratory vendor meetings, etc.