Site News
Why A CTO Should _NOT_ Just Be A Glorified Coder/Engineer
Increasingly, the title “CTO” is being used to induce engineers to provide underpaid—or even free—technical services. Don't fall for it! Otherwise your organization will very likely be ruined.
Hawke Robinson Status Update: A Wide Variety of Tech Projects in December
This is a very short summary of some projects I worked on so far this month:
Hawkes-Robinson Projects Model: Project Management, Scoping, Resources, Time, Brook's Law, Tuckman's Theories, and More, combined
An overview diagram of a number of the theories, methodologies, constructs, and "laws" that I include in all of my projects.
Interaction Patterns and Role-Playing Games
Here is a "cheat sheet" summarizing the "Interaction Patterns" concepts into one page for RPG design. I'm thrilled to see it being adopted by professionals and professors in various universities across the USA for their Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist degree and other programs. This short hand tool is useful for explaining and developing role-playing games in various formats and goals. Check out the references for more information on about it!
Status Update August 31st, 2023
A brief status update.
FAQs For Hawke Robinson: World Building
Question: With all of your experience and being a game master, what is your favorite world building approach?
About Hawke Robinson and Role-Playing Gaming
Brief introduction about Hawke Robinson from various interviews.
Z-Day City Role-Playing Game
Here is a status update on the Z-Day City role-playing game project, originally started back around 2014, with some root development back in 2007, a hybrid TRPG, LRPG, and ERPG, with xR, role-playing game adventure series.
FAQ: How Did Hawke Robinson Become "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" and Involved with the Role-Playing Game Industry?
How did Hawke Robinson (published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson) get the nickname as "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming"?
Publishing Deadlines Rapidly Approaching! Next One February 15th, 2023
If I had my druthers, I would just keep releasing all of my writings freely online, as I have done for decades. I will continue to do so. But so many researchers, professors, practitioners, students, and others have been so vociferously asking me for years to put all this content into more structured book format, so they can more easily use and cite them.
Currently in the (overloaded) queue
Due to a combination of my lung damage exacerbated by the weather, and my wife's recent TBI, despite the huge load I have in my queue, I am going to have to cut back significantly on some of my client services between now and April. I am also finding it just about impossible to keep up with the flood of emails, phone calls, and text messages this month. . My apologies that my responses may be delayed by weeks as I try to catch up from this New Year's rush of contacts. Due to the overload I am mostly letting calls go to voicemail, so if you want to reach me, leave a voicemail, don't just hang up, calling back later that day/week will not serve you better, sorry.
Short Summary of What I Am Up To As of August 2022
Very short version: ManufacturingPower CTO, RPG Research CEO and Lead Researcher, and RPG Therapeutics President and Lead Therapist.
Nurture Your Entrepreneurial Journey with William Hawkes-Robinson, a Legendary Recreational Therapist
Interview of William "Hawke" Hawkes-Robinson by Sarah Brown for Founder's Courier.
How do Role-Playing Games Help "Improve Lives"?
How do Role-Playing Games Help "Improve Lives"? This is exactly the question I have been working toward answering for more than 40 years through research and evidence-in-practice.
Scalable Jitsi, Ansible automation, [matrix], bots, ASR, AI, ML, DNN
Wrapping up work on automated scalability of Jitsi (self-hosted 20k+ concurrent users) through combination of Ansible scripts, Docker, containerd, Kubernetes, etc., in AWS and vSphere. Looking forward to resuming previous years work on Matrix distributed data and communications self-hosted federated platform adapted for education, implementing Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), bots, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and distributed Deep Neural Networks (DNN).
What we did to handle overwhelming growth for a very small but burgeoning new industry sub-sector.
I don't know that I'd recommend this approach for most, because most folks are probably not trying to grow an entire industry from scratch, but perhaps some of these experiences might be useful for some entrepreneurs out there considering different options.
Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Role-Playing Game Status Update - Opensource BCI RPG designed for maximum accessibility
I have been developing a BCI RPG designed for maximum accessibility with the goal to be usable by the LIS/CLIS population.
3 Common Obstacles for Autism Spectrum and other Neuro-diverse People
We have seen excellent results with our programs using cooperative music and role-playing games and recreational therapy transition programs when working with a wide range of Autism spectrum clients. There are many challenges, but this posting briefly touches on three that folks may not be aware of as additional challenges that could be addressed by the general public to help.
Differentiation Between RPG Research and RPG.LLC
I am founder of several companies and many community groups/sites. Two of which are the non-profit RPG Research and the for-profit RPG.LLC. While both based on the same premise, the power of role-playing games to improve lives, they each have their separate bailiwicks. This page attempts to summarize those distinctions.
Starting to catch up on messages backlog, please be patient
From late January through mid-June 2021 I was working an average of 120 hours per week. Finally I'm getting this down to about half that. I am still backlogged on responding to everyone's messages. Please be patient, I hope to be caught in a week or so. Thank you for your patience.
Very busy. 1-2 months behind in responses now.
I am about 2-3 weeks behind (at least) in my non-work email responses, and 1-2 months behind everywhere else.
Ongoing PBS Contract
In late Summer 2020 I announced the great honor of being asked to accept a contract providing consulting and educational training services related to recreation therapy, gaming, and accessibility for the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) national network in the USA. It is now March 2021 and the honor continues. The scope of impact has expanded in surprising ways, especially regarding internal corporate culture and accessibility advocacy.
Beware Predatory Conferences
Yet again someone approached me (this time on Linkedin), and wasted our mutual time on something that turned out to be yet another predatory conference. If you are new to academia or in other ways trying to get your works networked and noticed, beware these increasingly growing predatory conventions that now outnumber legitimate conferences! The latest one to waste my time briefly, not on any of the watch lists (until now), is the Global Forum of Education and Learning (GFEL), and the batch of related events by the same organization Prism Events Inc.
Call for help with peer review practice webinar participants before big PBS live training webinars.
Looking for Therapeutic Recreation / Recreation Therapy professionals to participate in practice training webinars before delivering live sessions training PBS staff.
RPG Professionals Level 1 Training Workbook Submitted for Preview Publication to Amazon
Unless a problem is found, the Amazon Preview Edition of the" Role-Playing Game Professional Level 1 Training Workbook" may be available for purchase in print-on-demand and Kindle formats within 72 hours!
Working on Protocols for Journal Submission, Sorry for Response Delays
I've been working hard (the past few weeks) writing 4 Therapeutic Recreation #RPG protocols (TRPG, LARP, ERPG, SABM) for Autism, at-risk, incarcerated, social phobia, and other populations, for requested submission to the American Therapeutic Recreation Association's Journal and their very specific protocol formatting requirements before this Friday midnight deadline. With everything I'm juggling, not sure it is going to be suitably ready in time for this year, but powering through best I can, hoping I can pull it off before the deadline (and then of course the question if it will actually be accepted). Apologies to folks for my lengthy delays in responding to queries and comments. I'll try to get caught up over the weekend. Wish me luck!
Apologies for the delays. Getting back up and running!
I wanted to let people know I wasn't being intentionally rude in my delays to follow up. Since this has gone on so long, I thought I should try to explain and apologize publicly. I've been struggling with significant health and technical issues the past year, and especially the past 2 months, but this week I'm starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. My sincerest apologies for the extended delay and backlog in my responding to people these past 2 months.
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