3 Common Obstacles for Autism Spectrum and other Neuro-diverse People
We have seen excellent results with our programs using cooperative music and role-playing games and recreational therapy transition programs when working with ...
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About Hawke Robinson and Role-Playing Gaming
Brief introduction about Hawke Robinson from various interviews.
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Beware Predatory Conferences
Yet again someone approached me (this time on Linkedin), and wasted our mutual time on something that turned out to be yet another predatory conference. If you ...
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Differentiation Between RPG Research and RPG.LLC
I am founder of several companies and many community groups/sites. Two of which are the non-profit RPG Research and the for-profit RPG.LLC. While both based on ...
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FAQ: How Did Hawke Robinson Become "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" and Involved with the Role-Playing Game Industry?
How did Hawke Robinson (published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson) get the nickname as "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming"?
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FAQs For Hawke Robinson: World Building
Question: With all of your experience and being a game master, what is your favorite world building approach?
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Hawke Robinson Status Update: A Wide Variety of Tech Projects in December
This is a very short summary of some projects I worked on so far this month:
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Hawkes-Robinson Projects Model: Project Management, Scoping, Resources, Time, Brook's Law, Tuckman's Theories, and More, combined
An overview diagram of a number of the theories, methodologies, constructs, and "laws" that I include in all of my projects.
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How do Role-Playing Games Help "Improve Lives"?
How do Role-Playing Games Help "Improve Lives"? This is exactly the question I have been working toward answering for more than 40 years through research and ...
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Interaction Patterns and Role-Playing Games
Here is a "cheat sheet" summarizing the "Interaction Patterns" concepts into one page for RPG design. I'm thrilled to see it being adopted by professionals and ...
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