
Hawke Robinson's Project Highlights Portfolio Page.

This page is a just a list of all my notable projects over the decades, in alphabetical order by title.




RPG Social Network RPGSN Platform

TFN Platform

Heroes of the Mist Show

Brain-Computer Interface Role-Playing Game (BCI RPG) https://github.com/RPG-Research/bcirpg
Game Consent App https://github.com/RPG-Research/gameconsent
ZDay City RPG AR/VR https://github.com/RPG-Research/zday-city-rpg
GM AI https://github.com/RPG-Research/gm-ai
RPG AI https://github.com/RPG-Research/rpg-ai
collective.simplewiki https://pypi.org/project/collective.simplewiki/
NodeBB Patreon SSO https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-sso-patreon
SuiteGM https://suitegm.sourceforge.net/
Jitsi opensource video conferencing platform and Hawke Robinson's contributions to help scale it up https://github.com/jitsi
Prosody opensource IM (and key component to Jitsi) and Hawke Robinson's contributions to help scale it up https://hg.prosody.im/

Synthetic Zen Music

Northwest Recreational Therapy Community

Spokane Music Therapy Community

RPG Research

RPG Therapeutics


RPG Parties

RPG Trailer


RPG Mobile

RPG Community Center

RPG Museum

Spokane American Sign Language Study Group

Dev 2 Dev Portal

Hawke Talk Show

Middle-earth Role-Playing Talk Show

Middle-earth Radio

MaladNet Wireless ISP


Journey Quest Season 3

Gamers 3 Hands of Fate

Journey Quest Season 4

New Mama for Bubba, A

Dr Z & The Synthetic Zen Show

Spokane First Night Kung fu Ice & Fire Exposition

Scalable Jitsi

Jitsi Real-time Closed Captions AI ML ASR NLP

Jitsi Transcripts with Profanity Filstering AI ML ASR NLP



Other Minds Magazine

Z Day City RPG

Tolkien & His Love of Trees, Oxford

J.R.R. Tolkien's Love of Trees and the Environment (Other Minds Magazine Issue 2)
The Trees Essay was read at the 2011 U.K. Tolkien Society annual gathering, and published with the other pages from that event.
Tolkien's Impact on Beowulf (Other Minds Magazine Issue 5)
The Tolkien Legacy, The Estate, Enterprises, and the Dismemberment of Other Hands

An Overview History and Therapeutic Value of Role Playing Gaming
The Battle Over Role Playing Gaming (Other Minds Magazine Issue 1)
The Potential Benefits and Deficits of Role Playing Gaming
Role Playing Games Used as Educational and Therapeutic Tools for Children, Youth, and Adults
The Defamation of Role Playing Gaming and Gamers
Analysis of Personalities and Alienation of Dungeons and Dragons Game Players

RPG Module: Uswë Númenorello (Escape from Númenor) (Tolkien Moot 2005 Adventure)
RPG Module: Umbar-dalad (Under Umbar) (Tolkien Moot 2006 Adventure)
RPG Module: Gift Bearers of Númenor - First Contact (Tolkien Moot 2007 Adventure)
RPG Module: Let Sleeping Dragons Lie (Tolkien Moot 2009 Adventure)
RPG Module: (Tolkien Moot 2010 Adventure)
RPG Module: (Tolkien Moot 2011 Adventure)

RPG Module: BFRPG Solo 1

RPG Module: BFRPG Solo 2

RPG Module: BFRPG Solo 3

RPG Module: BFRPG GM Intro 1

RPG Module: BFRPG GM Intro 2

RPG Module: BFRPG GM Intro 3

Martial Arts of the Deaf
Music for the Deaf
Deaf Percussionist Evelyn Glennie
Gallaudet History
ASl Study Guide - ASL-Study-Guide-1-20111216e.pdf
Signed Role-playing Gaming Activity

Temporary instructor, teaching Role-playing Gaming (4-6 weeks)



RPG Fund

Spokane RPG

Northwest Larp

Hawke's Haven Blog since 1998

Hawke's Haven BBS since 1993

Merp.com since 1998

DOTS RPG Board of Directors Voting Member

RPG Research Board of Directors Chair

Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 1 Instructors Manual, Fourteenth Edition (pending, December 2023)

Welcome to Dragon Talk: Inspiring Conversations about Dungeons & Dragons and the People Who Love to Play It
Collected Works of W.A. Hawkes-Robinson Volume 1
Collected Works of RPG Research Volume 1
Applied Role-Playing Game Therapy Theory and Practice, Volume 1
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 1 Workbook, First Edition
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 1 Workbook, Second Edition
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 1 Workbook, Third Edition
The Role-Playing Game Professional Study Guide Volume 1 (Preview Draft 1): For Recreation & Leisure, Entertainment, Education, Healthcare & Therapeutic, Leadership, and Other Professionals
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 1 Instructors Manual Twenty Second Edition (pending)
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 2 Workbook (pending)
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 3 Workbook (pending)
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 4 Workbook (pending)
Role-Playing Game Professionals Level 5 Workbook (pending)
Role-Playing Game Professionals Levels 6-20 Workbooks and study guides (pending)
Solo Adventure Module 1: A Solo Introduction to Role-Playing Games like Dungeons & Dragons and others through the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (pending)
Solo Adventure Module 2: A Solo Introduction to Role-Playing Games like Dungeons & Dragons and others through the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (pending)
Game Master Introductory Adventure 1: An Introduction to Game Mastering a Group Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TRPG) like Dungeons & Dragons and others through the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (pending)
Game Master Introductory Adventure 2: An Introduction to Game Mastering a Group Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TRPG) like Dungeons & Dragons and others through the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (pending)

WorldCon 2020

GenCon 2020

The Fantasy Network



MightyWords Inc.

PC Easy

RPG Education

North Five Mile Community

Ea Tolkien Society

MerpCon & TolkienMoot

Spokane 2600

Spokane Java Users Group

Spokane Python Users Group

PPTP VPN Malware Research Paper

Peer-reviewed published paper

Hawke Studios

RPG Talk Show